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Why your drinking water should be filtered and cleaned?

A long time ago before I know the exact answer of this question, one person of my family, certainly my mother have been infected with most dangerous and damn viral infection that called medically Hepatitis Virus C.
since that day I would not care if my water clean or not neither it clear or not, but finally and unfortunate I admitted to know why water should be cleaned and how water carry infectious diseases like virus C that my mom suffering from.

Two years Now, finally I knew many Facts about water filtration and the medical advices along with chemical tips that make me very aware of contamination of my drinking water and saved a lot of my family members from another infection, So I am very happy to do so.
This Blog came after I decided to learn how to filter water and make it safe for my family daily purposes, so I really attended to publish my two years acknowledge about medical and chemical properties of water.
You will find some recommendations about water quality, and some great tips about how to purify, filter then cleaning your water.

Again my first goal is to transfer acknowledge to all whom suffering from infectious diseases that came from water-borne diseases like Bacterium contamination and other viral or fungal contaminants.
My friends you should know that:
Not all colorless water is clean.
Not all tasty water is filtered.
Not all water sources is Pure

Read more:
Show How to remove Bacteria grew in water

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